Saturday, May 22, 2010

xTuple Migrates Training Videos to YouTube

xTuple is in the process of publishing training videos to YouTube. Just another example of how xTuple differentiates itself from the traditional ERP company.

One of the challenges in the open source ERP world is demonstrating that ongoing commitment to the user community. xTuple supports a world-wide user group through its website, where users can post questions, search archives and get all the documentation on xTuple. Licensed users of xTuple ERP can also post and track bugs and fixes to the software.
The xTuple site also contains a Product Roadmap so you can see what new developments are in the works. If you had been following the roadmap you would have seen (and even commented on) the development of the Drop Shipping functionality that is now in the latest release of open source xTuple ERP version 3.5. Want to see the drop ship functionality and how xTuple is using YouTube? The go view the Drop Shipment Training video.

OpenSurge Group just completed a great event in Atlanta, GA where we had the chance, along with Wally Tonra xTuple's VP of Sales, to perform side by side demonstrations of xTuple ERP with other proprietary products. We certainly generated a lot of interest in both open source ERP and the ability to run enterprise class software on Apple's Mac OS X.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Accounting Software Expo - Atlanta, GA

With so many ERP solutions on the market, how does the busy business owner, CEO, CFO or senior executive find the time to evaluate them all? The Accounting Software Expo in Atlanta, GA on May 20th is an excellent way to get introduced to the leading ERP solutions for midsize business.

This one-of-a kind expo brings together financial management and business technology gurus for your benefit.  Talk to experts who actually handle implementations, tech support, and end-user training.  See live demos, ask questions and compare features within each accounting software. xTuple and OpenSurge Group will be there along with five of our better known competitors.

Want some great reasons for attending the Expo: